Physically-Based Animation
The video is my demo reel from the Physically-Based Modeling class (Fall 2017) offered by Dr. John Keyser. The implementations were done following the textbook, 'Foundations of Physically-Based Modeling & Animation', by Donald House and John Keyser.
All the simulations were implemented in C++. For most of the simulations, the transform information (position, rotation) and color information of the objects/particles are exported from the C++ application and they were rendered in Unity game engine with better rendering techniques. 3D models from the Unity asset store were used for some of the simulations.
Bouncing ball simulation
Particle simulation
Flock simulation
Rigid body simulation
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics
3D models from Unity asset store
SciFi jet (with exhaust animation)
Luminaris Starship
Stylized low-poly planes